Scope of Authority

The Commission has authority to investigate complaints involving the following:

· Willful misconduct in office.

· Willful and persistent failure to perform duties.

· Habitual intemperance.

· Permanent disabilities that interfere with judicial duties.

· A violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct.

· Conduct that brings the judiciary into disrepute.

The Commission's primary concern is judicial behavior, not judicial decision-making. Only a higher court can overturn a judge's decision or ruling. The Commission is not a court and cannot change a judge's decision (including child custody orders), intervene in a pending case, remove a judge from a case, or award damages or other monetary relief to litigants.

Complaints that allege misconduct solely on the basis of a judge's decisions will be dismissed without investigation. Neither the Commission nor its staff can provide legal assistance or advice.

Commission Enabling Rules - Supreme Court Rule 209
Commission Internal Operating Procedures